Our pro team is made up of former SOF operators, infantry veterans, and endurance hunters. Our unique experiences and skillsets enable us to create world class products that exceed the demands of the warrior athlete.

Background: 1ST Battalion Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment - Afghanistan OEF - COMMANDO - Warfighter Athletic Founder
Passions: Physical Fitness, MMA, Outdoor Pursuits, Hunting, Moto X, Inspiring The Next Generation and Building Warfighter Athletic
My Why: Pursue Excellence, this isn't an empty company motto, it is a lifestyle I have lived since stepping into the Special Operations brotherhood. Through Warfighter Athletic I want to build a culture that inspires our tribe to live this pursuit, to live a life that is worth living, to live a life that is fulfilling, and to seek out the potential that is trapped within.
I will design, develop, manufacture and provide the best Warrior Athlete Clothing System on the planet.
After years of military service, operating in adverse and unpredictable environments, I know that quality gear can be the difference between mission success or failure, and at the extreme end, life or death. The standard needs to be raised and I want Warfighter Athletic to be the ones who raise it.
Favorite Quote: "There is no man living who isn't capable of doing more than he thinks he can do" - Henry Ford

Background: 1st Battalion Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment - Reconnaissance Platoon - Hunter and Outdoorsman Since Birth - Hunting Guide and Conservationist
Passions: Come on? Obviously Hunting, Physical Fitness, Mountaineering ,Outdoor Expeditions, Living Off The Land and a 1940 Lee Enfield .303
My why: I believe being able to live and thrive in the outdoors is the most beneficial confidence booster that a human being can obtain. We are now in a digital age where people would rather worry about materialistic shit as apposed to going out an providing for friends and family with their own two hands. I believe with the help of Warfighter Athletic, we can get more hunters out into the great frontier.
Being an Endurance hunter not only means pushing your mind and body but also means being out in the bush all the time. So, for that I need reliable gear that isn’t going to fail me so its been a pleasure to have a say and test the gear for operation Toa… standby.
Favorite Quote: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing”-Edmund Burke

Background: 1st Battalion Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment - Reconnaissance Platoon – NZ Army Physical Training Instructor (PTI) – International CrossFit Competitor – High Performance Coach – Owner of Mount CrossFit and Bay of Plenty Barbell
Passions: My Two Beautiful Dobies (Doberman), Physical Fitness, Coaching and Developing High Performance Athletes, Adventure Sports (rock climbing, mountain biking, snowboarding mainly), Sport Shooting.
My Why: Helping others become the best versions of themselves. I get no better satisfaction than seeing an athlete break through that plateau they have been struggling with, or qualifying for a prestigious competition that only few will achieve, or helping that soldier reach the fitness standards needed to advance in their chosen career.
Training and mindset is the key to a successful athlete or soldier, but the quality of their equipment holds a huge advantage. Warfighter Athletics quest for quality clothing will insure athletes and soldiers can perform to the best of their abilities in the most comfortable and battle ready clothing.
Favorite Quote: "The world can get the best of you or it can get the best of you. How you read that phrase can make all the difference" - Kagworks